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Design III StirAtor
In Bin Stirring Machine
Design III StirAtor
In Bin Stirring Machine
- Turn a grain bin into a drying system with minimum investment.
- Can cut drying time by 50% in a low temperature bin.
- Ensures that all the grain is the same moisture, with no wet tank required; all you need is a fan and heater and an auger to fill the bin.
Built to Perform

Unique Design
The Design III StirAtor has a unique drive that changes the path of the augers every revolution around the bin. The pattern puts the augers in the outer 1/3 of the bin where 50% of the grain is more than in the center so all the grain gets uniformly stirred. On every Design III you can lock the augers in the outside position at the end of the year to thoroughly stir and cool the grain at the bin wall to minimize issues during the storage period.