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In addition to grain and feed markets, InterSystems, the brand known as a worldwide manufacturer of bulk material handling equipment and industrial sampling systems, is found on a full range of products in support of other industries.

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GSI supports agriculture around the globe with the most extensive global manufacturing footprint and dealer network in our industry. We bring our customers local solutions with global expertise.
Res-Q Tube
Grain entrapment rescue cofferdam
Res-Q Tube
Grain entrapment rescue cofferdam
- Over 40 grain entrapments happen every year and GSI’s Res-Q Tube can aid in rescuing victims engulfed in grain.
- Helps fire and rescue teams to be prepared in the event of a grain engulfment.
- Res-Q Tube is 60" (1.52 m) tall and weighs 27 pounds.
- Built of lightweight aluminum, so it is easy for rescuers to transport and maneuver.
Built to Perform
Prepare to Save Lives
Relieve Pressure to the Victim
Once all 4 panels of the Res-Q Tube are in place this will stop the flow of grain towards the victim and block any additional pressure that may be created from rescuers. At this point rescuers will be able to start removing the grain around the victim, inside the tube. Having a Res-Q-Tube on-hand greatly increases the odds of a victim surviving a grain entrapment.