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GSI EMCS Tower Dryers
Contact GSI for PLC Zimmerman & GSI Tower Dryer Software Updates
EMCS Tower Dryers 2.20
This update will correct the time and date issues, as well as keeping model number data saved through power cycles.
Tower Dryer 2.17
Released 11/11/19
HI/LO and ON/OFF burner operation will now ignite the burner in LOW fire mode before being allowed to energize the HIGH fire solenoid. (No power is allowed to the cycle solenoid output J1-02 until flame has been established).
- In HI/LO mode this would only occur during the initial burner ignition phase. Once flame has been established cycling the valve will occur normally when cycling LO to HI, with no pause between.
- In ON/OFF mode the burner will always fire in LOW fire then 1 second later energize the J1-02 cycle solenoid output until the plenum temperature set point has been met. Then the valves will close and restart the sequence again with a 1 second delay to the high fire valve.
Fixed a bug that was introduced in 1.02 in regards to the batch operation of dual plenum temperature operation. When operating in Batch mode on 1-fan dryers and using the dual plenum/grain drying feature the software would hang up when the low grain temperature was met and would not advance to the LOW HEAT timer. (Tested in 2.07b in the Canadian market)
Fixed an issue where if no gas is present during initial firing of the burner it would attempt to light the burner four times instead of three. Ignition attempts are now limited to three regardless if flame has been detected or never been detected.
Software now allows the moisture sensor offset to be greater than or less than 10 in the "Calibrate Moisture Sensor" section of the Setup screen. MC had an offset with the available 10 point adjustment. They are now allowed to change up to 20 points in either direction.
Removed the calculated grain temperature remaining in the temp hold message on the main screen when operating in batch mode. The displayed numbers may have been confusing, especially when showing a double negative "- -" value. It now simply flashes “TEMP HOLD…”
GSI EMCS Tower Dryer Software
Released 11/13/15
This software is for testing purposes ONLY. It will contain some bugs that have been addressed with the release 2.03a shown above.
- Tower Dryer 216 - Released 10/18/01
- Tower Dryer 215 - Released 09/15/01
- Tower Dryer 214 - Released 09/20/99
- Tower Dryer 213 - Released 09/03/99
- Tower Dryer 211 - Released 05/14/99
- Tower Dryer 210K3 - Released 10/03/00
- Tower Dryer 210K2 - Released 09/28/00
- Tower Dryer 209 - Released 02/02/98
- Tower Dryer 208C - Released 08/02/01
- Tower Dryer 208 - Released 10/08/97
- Tower Dryer 207 - Released 08/18/97
- Tower Dryer 206CAN - Released 07/07/97
- Tower Dryer 206 - Released 02/13/97